Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How Do You Fight Stress?

How do you fight stress? Here are some ways:

Eat foods rich in Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is a well-known vitamin in helping your body relax and fight stress. So when you are feeling the pressure at work or your life at home, make sure to consume foods such as green leafy vegetables, fish, and eggs that are rich in Vitamin B2. These foods will help eliminate stress, and also the chances of the development of acne on your skin.
Exercise regularly. Regular exercises also help alleviate the effects of stress. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, which help improve your mood. With a positive mood, you will notice a significant drop in your stress levels. Plus, exercising will also help improve your self-esteem by giving you a great-looking body.
Escape from stress. Whether it is a boring routine or work-related stress, you deserve the chance to get away from these stressors from time to time. Now if you feel trapped, all you need is to take a vacation or take a break from your routine. Once you return, you will feel refreshed, recharged, and ultimately, stress-free. Without stress, you won’t have to worry about pimples breaking out once again.
Seek help. You cannot carry the weight of the world on your shoulders—and you don’t have to. If you are feeling particularly stressed at home or at work, talking to somebody you trust always works. Whether you just need somebody to listen to you, or someone who can give you with sage advice, being able to have someone to tell your problems to will be a great way to deal with stress.

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